Canadians wake up and vote Liberals out!
I wanted to give my views on the election in Canada which put Conservatives in power, but Michael Coren's piece says it all. Hopefully Canada will now do something about it's suicidal immigration policy which would make the United States safer from terrorists.
By MICHAEL COREN (Toronto Sun)
I could write volumes about why you should vote for the Conservatives on Monday, but in the final analysis the reason is simple and comes down to one single word.
This is one of the most important elections in the history of Canada and the future of the country is in the balance. There are some things about Stephen Harper that do not impress and some things about his party that cause concern.
But whatever your reservations about the Tories and however much you have to hold your nose on Monday as you vote, chant that word to yourself.
Liberals. Liberals. Liberals.
Remember the massive corruption, some of the worst we and most other western nations have ever known. Beyond Quebec and AdScam, there were ministers spending public money on sumptuous and numerous dinners while taxpayers worried about whether they could pay the rent or keep the house.
MPs accused of all sorts of ethical violations, government members travelling in first-class comfort around the world with their friends for no apparent purpose, all paid for by your money and through your sweat.
The dominance of the culture of entitlement, with Liberal politicians reacting angrily when even challenged about their actions.
The triumph of the empty cliche. "Moving forward and not backwards ... The party of change ... Canadian values ... No to extremism." The marginalizing of millions of Canadians, on the right and the left, merely because they did not embrace some souffle of Liberal emptiness.
The lies. Paul Martin telling faith leaders in a private meeting that he personally opposed same-sex marriage, but then standing up in Parliament and accusing anybody who opposed the notion of being un-Canadian. His promise to reduce the "democratic deficit" but then denying a free vote on the issue to cabinet ministers and using a carrot and stick to influence backbenchers.
Belinda Stronach tossing her empty head and arrogantly joining the cabinet of a government she had endlessly criticized. Selfish misfits from various parties becoming Liberals simply for power and Martin welcoming them as long-lost comrades.
The emasculation of the armed forces, the rot of our inner cities, the decline of the health care system, the evaporation of our international reputation, the failure to analyze immigration, the weakening of the police, the trendy and dangerous approach towards drugs, prostitution and perversion.
The attacks upon the West and the fawning acceptance of every Quebec ambition. The childish taunts of the U.S. but the friendly policies towards murderous regimes such as Cuba and China.
The destruction of democracy with the increased power of the Supreme Court and the appointment of cronies to positions of enormous influence. Prisons resembling hotels, law-abiding gun owners treated as criminals and criminals treated as victims.
The pride that so many of us felt at being part of this vast and vastly great country dripping away as the Canadian body politic became ill and sickly. The realization that Ottawa was a cult rather than a culture, where Canada was dismantled instead of strengthened.
Walk steadily to the polling booth on Monday and, whatever you have voted in the past, know that you can and will make a difference. By voting for the only party that can form a new government, force the Liberals to remake themselves and return Canada to the status and stability it deserves.
Never before have I asked friends and readers to vote thus. But this time it is too late to do otherwise. Good luck. Good Canada.
By MICHAEL COREN (Toronto Sun)
I could write volumes about why you should vote for the Conservatives on Monday, but in the final analysis the reason is simple and comes down to one single word.
This is one of the most important elections in the history of Canada and the future of the country is in the balance. There are some things about Stephen Harper that do not impress and some things about his party that cause concern.
But whatever your reservations about the Tories and however much you have to hold your nose on Monday as you vote, chant that word to yourself.
Liberals. Liberals. Liberals.
Remember the massive corruption, some of the worst we and most other western nations have ever known. Beyond Quebec and AdScam, there were ministers spending public money on sumptuous and numerous dinners while taxpayers worried about whether they could pay the rent or keep the house.
MPs accused of all sorts of ethical violations, government members travelling in first-class comfort around the world with their friends for no apparent purpose, all paid for by your money and through your sweat.
The dominance of the culture of entitlement, with Liberal politicians reacting angrily when even challenged about their actions.
The triumph of the empty cliche. "Moving forward and not backwards ... The party of change ... Canadian values ... No to extremism." The marginalizing of millions of Canadians, on the right and the left, merely because they did not embrace some souffle of Liberal emptiness.
The lies. Paul Martin telling faith leaders in a private meeting that he personally opposed same-sex marriage, but then standing up in Parliament and accusing anybody who opposed the notion of being un-Canadian. His promise to reduce the "democratic deficit" but then denying a free vote on the issue to cabinet ministers and using a carrot and stick to influence backbenchers.
Belinda Stronach tossing her empty head and arrogantly joining the cabinet of a government she had endlessly criticized. Selfish misfits from various parties becoming Liberals simply for power and Martin welcoming them as long-lost comrades.
The emasculation of the armed forces, the rot of our inner cities, the decline of the health care system, the evaporation of our international reputation, the failure to analyze immigration, the weakening of the police, the trendy and dangerous approach towards drugs, prostitution and perversion.
The attacks upon the West and the fawning acceptance of every Quebec ambition. The childish taunts of the U.S. but the friendly policies towards murderous regimes such as Cuba and China.
The destruction of democracy with the increased power of the Supreme Court and the appointment of cronies to positions of enormous influence. Prisons resembling hotels, law-abiding gun owners treated as criminals and criminals treated as victims.
The pride that so many of us felt at being part of this vast and vastly great country dripping away as the Canadian body politic became ill and sickly. The realization that Ottawa was a cult rather than a culture, where Canada was dismantled instead of strengthened.
Walk steadily to the polling booth on Monday and, whatever you have voted in the past, know that you can and will make a difference. By voting for the only party that can form a new government, force the Liberals to remake themselves and return Canada to the status and stability it deserves.
Never before have I asked friends and readers to vote thus. But this time it is too late to do otherwise. Good luck. Good Canada.